
What GYLI Has To Offer

GYLI offers a broad range of opportunities for students and educators to expand their understanding of complex issues and to be the change they wish to see in the world. Our programs are experiential and emphasize hands-on discovery that is learner-focused and engages participants socially, intellectually, emotionally and physically.

Key to the success of GYLI programs is our emphasis on students and educators as co-learners. Within Student and Educator programs, groups of students are accompanied by an educator from their school who is a full participant in the program and thus the experience is shared, making it immediately transferable to the school community. We also subscribe to the philosophy of “Challenge by Choice,” which emphasizes participants’ ownership over actions and outcomes within the program. Simply put, it allows participants to decide how far they will push themselves, both mentally and physically, in order to create more meaningful and transferable experiences

GYLI Leader Learning Plans (LLP) provide yet another avenue to the successful transfer of learning by creating leadership opportunities. Each participant or group of participants utilize the GYLI LLP structure to create and implement a project that is focused on improving the social, economic or environmental circumstances of their home community.

We encourage you to explore the many programs GYLI offers and to contact us with any questions or for assistance with finding the program that is right for you.