Jóvenes en Acción 2014 Milwaukee

Jóvenes en Acción 2014 Milwaukee

October 9, 2014 Uncategorized 0

This year GYLI hosted a group of young leaders in Milwaukee from all over Mexico through World Learning’s Jovenes en Accion (JEA) program funded by the US Department of State. Students came with a specific focus on participating in service projects that contributed to bettering the communities they live in.

One highlight from this program was Milwaukee’s Mayor Tom IMG-20140722-00647Barret’s involvement, not only in hosting a student in his own home, but also in taking time to meet with the students to discuss the importance of these exchange programs in fostering peace and understanding between our countries, and addressing obstacles that stand in the way of building stronger communities.

Jovenes students had the opportunity to participate in a variety of service projects with organizations such as Urban Ecology Center, City Year, and the Boys and Girls Club. There experiences in Milwaukee left lasting positive changes within the Milwaukee community as well as equipped and inspired the young leaders to return to their own communities with action plans for change and renewed hope and desire to make a positive impact where they live.IMG-20140728-00670

Participants gained new skills and understanding of community development through workshops and experiences such as working side by side with other local youth in revitalizing one of Milwaukee’s newest parks, Three Bridges Park. This park was a formerly an isolated industrial site, but is being transformed with the help of the community to become a beautiful community park in the Menomonee Valley.