Online Student Course

We are excited to announce our new student course:

Leadership Vision and Values!

Our values are a guiding principle at the core of every interaction and decision we make. They align with what we hold most important regardless of the setting or situation. These values are a definition of who we are in our lives, the basis of our integrity and what we prioritize. They are who we are at our best. This course will allow students to look deeper into their personal leadership style and how their values shape their decisions. Students will practice identifying their values and how to translate them into actions. The GYLI team will offer tools and insight into these topics, while also allowing plenty of time for student led discussions and participation. This course will help you build upon your leadership skills and create an international network of student leaders. Let’s start off the new year solidifying our vision and living in our values!

Click here to register: Wednesday March 31, 2021

Time: 4-6pm CST

Cost: $25