Kristoffer Barikmo – Year 1

Kristoffer is a National Board Certified Social Studies teacher and Instructional Coach at Shawnee Mission East High School. He has also been teaching leadership development since his years at Saint Louis University with the Division of Student development. His passion is empowering young people to go out and transform the world. Working with many different leadership organizations over the past 20 years has given him great opportunities to work with passionate and impressive leaders.

The work of teaching has taken Kristoffer all over the world including Costa Rica, the decks of the Denis Sullivan, Mystic Whaler, Amistad, and Exy Johnson schooners, the mountains of New Mexico, and countless retreats.  He has been working with GYLI since 2004 as a faculty member and coordinator.  He is excited to be coordinating his 15th GYLI program this year!

Kristoffer believes firmly that Archimedes was speaking about more than simple machines when he said “Give me a place to stand, and with a lever I can move the world.” His work is ultimately focused on bringing people an understanding of the levers they have in their lives that can be used to transform the world.