Mariam Nur

UntitledMariam Nur is a senior currently completing a double major in Psychology and Global Studies at Alverno College. She enjoys studying international policy with a focus in conflict resolution and a regional interest in sub-Saharan Africa. Mariam’s interest in international policy led her to intern at the National Defense University in Washington DC, serving as a Program Planner at Near East South Asia Center for Strategic Studies. On campus, Mariam has held many roles including; Delegate at the American Model United Nations, Student Ambassador of Alverno College Interfaith Youth Core, and Community Service Chair of Gamma Alpha Omega Sorority Inc. Through her student involvement and commitment to the community, she was awarded the Francis Hesselbein Leadership Medal through the Hesselbein Global Academy for Student Leadership and Civic Engagement and recently named a Public Policy and International Affairs fellow at the Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy