Snap Shot: 2015 Summer and Fall

Snap Shot: 2015 Summer and Fall

November 2, 2015 Uncategorized 0

“Give the pupils something to do, not something to learn…as to demand thinking.”
John Dewey

This summer was another successful year of transformative programs for GYLI with over 300 students participating in hands on learning experiences throughout the U.S. and in Costa Rica.

One of this summer’s participants shared the following reflection on her journey:

“It was one of the best trips I have ever been on and I will never forget it. On this trip I was taught to be confident in myself, to stand up for others and what I believe in, and to be a leader in everything I do. I met some amazing people from Detroit, Rochester, and Chicago. They have all made me so proud to be a part of this generation because I know all of them will achieve something great.

While on this ship I realized quite a few things including that being a leader is more than just telling people what to do, it’s understanding others and seeing them as equals, it’s about being brave and willing to put the group before themselves.”



Drum Circle with Year 1 in Connecticut


Year 1 Aboard the Mystic Whaler Tall Ship in Connecticut


Lunch on the porch: Year 2 at Lama Foundation in New Mexico


Year 2 at a Pow Wow in Taos Pueblo New Mexico


Year 3 White Water Rafting in Costa Rica


Arrival at Raices: Year 3 Homestays at Community Farms in La Argentina, Costa Rica


Youth from the Iraqi Young Leaders Exchange Program in Milwaukee visiting and tasting fruits at Walnut Way – an Urban Farm in the city – with local Milwaukee Youth