Success Stories

“GYLI pushed me to do things I never knew I was capable of: sailing a ship with a team of students, hiking a mountain, staying with a family that does not speak English. I never even fathomed doing such things, but yet when the task came to me, I surprised myself when I overcame them. What made it even better was the group of friends I made who were all experiencing the same feeling of confidence. GYLI made me challenge myself like I never had before, and I am going to continue to do that as I become an adult.”

~Brandon Hill, GYLI Student

“The speakers made my experience even more wonderful. They couldn’t have been more open and honest. I loved every part of this program!  I want to go every year!”

~GYLI Student

“The site was a perfect setting for the activities planned.  It promoted self-reflection and contemplation, free from the influences of the outside world.  The staff was wonderful and very welcoming and flexible to our needs.”

~Teacher (New Mexico Program)

“The National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS) has had a close working relationship with GYLI for the past two years, and we strongly endorse the work it is doing. GYLI was a natural partner for the NAIS Institute for Student Leaders, because of its expertise in student/adult summer leadership programs. GYLI developed a curriculum that combined its strengths of intensive experiential learning and structured follow-on for both students and faculty with our vision of the benefits of multi-cultural, multi-national learning communities. The results have been extremely gratifying. Both student and adult participants regularly describe their experiences as transformational.”

~Paul Miller, NAIS Director of Global Initiatives

“Today’s experience taught me: to see things through multiple lenses and perspectives, to embrace appreciative inquiry, to think outside the box, to be passionate about my work and know that everything is possible, and to embrace all possibilities but know to do as much as I can, and not feel like I have to accomplish everything at once.”

~Rik Dugan, Middle School Administrator, New Jersey

“Thank you very much for a stimulating day! I will be taking away a humbled sense of development. Learning new methods of inquiry, problem-solving, communication, etc. is both inspiring and rejuvenating. This was incredibly helpful.”

~ Kristoffer Barikmo, High School Teacher, Colorado