Year 3 2019 Day 1!

Year 3 2019 Day 1!

July 23, 2019 Uncategorized 0

Having spent most of the day in airports, planes, and buses, we expected the GYLI participants and chaperones arriving to be pretty well exhausted. And they were. Nevertheless, everyone was eager to get reacquainted with friends and dive right into the Year 3 experience.  Those that arrived in the afternoon got a brief view of Santa Ana, our host town, as they arrived to United World College and got settled into their dorms. After our first group meal at UWC, we retreated to the social center to officially begin the Year 3 program. Dave, one of our coordinators this year, led the group in a brief activity to encourage everyone to connect with UWC and Costa Rica, as many participants had never travelled to Costa Rica, or out of the United States, before. Jeremy, a coordinator new to GYLI this year, helped everyone to get to know each other a little bit better with an active icebreaker game. We ended the evening in a gratitude circle, with everyone, participants, chaperones, and coordinators, sharing what they are grateful for as they embark on this new experience. We are all looking forward to an evening of rest as we prepare for a packed schedule on day 2!