2018 Year 3 Recap

2018 Year 3 Recap

September 19, 2018 Uncategorized 0

In our two Year 3 programs in Costa Rica, we offer students and teachers a deep dive into environmental sustainability, meeting others from different backgrounds, and seeing themselves as change agents.  

The highlight of the Year 3 continues to be the home-stay experience. The authentic lens into community and culture affords great insight for our youth. As they take these experiences back to their own environment, we will showcase commendable LLPs as they develop.  

One student wrote, “I have never been welcomed into a stranger’s home in that way before. It was powerful to see how open the people of La Argentina are.” 

A teacher wrote this about the home-stay: “I wish more students and teachers could have this experience–to see themselves from the point of view of the other, to be accepted, and to connect in such simple ways–preparing food, playing dominoes.  It was a great experience.”