Day 4 Costa Rica!

Day 4 Costa Rica!

July 15, 2016 Uncategorized 0

Bugs and Bananas! Walking through the rain-forest getting bitten, seeing wildlife, and meeting new people.  Today we visited a banana facility that supplies organic bananas to Whole Foods grocery stores in the US. Seeing the banana packing facility and learning the process was interesting but it is obviously hard work!  This experience made us feel very lucky for the situations we are in at home but also left us wanting to know more about agriculture. Next we went into the Rain Forest and saw the most amazing bugs, snakes, and best of all a monkey!

We also went to a dairy farm. We saw pigs and cows and got to learn the process of creating sustainable fuel. We also learned the process of milking cows. I got a bug in my hair!


Written by…North Watch!

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