Day 3 in Costa Rica

Day 3 in Costa Rica

July 14, 2016 Uncategorized 0

Hey guys! West Watch here.

This morning, some of us woke up very early to go play futbol. At around 8 in the morning, we all met in the cafeteria to have some breakfast which included pancakes, rice, salsa, fruit, and eggs. After breakfast, we packed our bags, and prepared to leave for EARTH University. We drove to EARTH University by bus. While driving, we crossed the Continental Divide, we went from the Pacific Coast to the Caribbean Coast, and even went under the only tunnel in Costa Rica. After arriving, our first activity was viewing a ten minute video about EARTH and its students. After that, we ate lunch on campus. For lunch, we had rice and beans, choice of chicken or fish, yucca, and a salad grown right here on campus! Following lunch, we took a tour around campus. We saw many different plants, bugs, and coconuts. After our tour, we met with our school groups to discuss our Leader Learning Plans (LLP’s). This activity was followed by an in-depth discussion about the 5 C’s with our watch groups. After this, we ate dinner and had a little bit of down time. Our last activity for the night was talking with four students who attend EARTH University. To close out the night, we made a circle and discussed our individual ‘glums and glows’ for the day. After a long day, we’re all looking forward to a good night’s rest. Hasta manana!



~West Watch (Maya, Eli, Ashley, Walter, Quashiana, Carlos)

