Day 5–Faculty Blog

Day 5–Faculty Blog

July 20, 2014 Uncategorized 0

The morning of day 5 we had a session on waste management led by year 3 Earth University student Michele from Ecuador. We then visited Earth University’s Secondary Material Reclamation Center where all of their plastic, metal, glass and paper waste is recycled. The center is run by year 1 Earth University students. The materials are sorted by type and then bundled for sale to materials buyers. The facility gathers materials from the local communities as well.  70% of profits sold goes to the operation of the facility and the remainder goes to student scholarships.

Next we journeyed to the organic farm led by year 3 Earth University student Aloyce from Kenya.  Below is a picture of Aloyce explaining one of the several bio-digesters on the campus. The bio-degesters  produce methane gas by converting animal waste and waste water via an anaerobic process. The methane gas is then used to supply the gas stove for cooking and/or to power a generator for electricity.


The photo below shows the area students test out various composting methods including worm composting. They are composting plant material, animal waste found on the organic farm.  The compost is then used to fertilize the gardens.DSC04129 DSC04135

You many be interested to know that pig manure is the most efficient product for creating bio-gas (CH4).

Today we saw a variety of wildlife including Howler Monkeys, Macaw Parrots, sloth, armadillo, a white-nosed coati and a Walking Stick bug (pictured below).

To end the day we safely delivered the students to their homestay families. More to come on homestays tomorrow!

Expertly blogged by Ashley (Coach K) and Brian C.