West is Best – Day 4 in Rica

West is Best – Day 4 in Rica

July 19, 2014 Uncategorized 0



What a day! We started off in two hour blocks of tours of EARTH University’s most prizedIMG_5682 IMG_5789 IMG_5638IMG_5625locations: The Banana Plantation and the Peri-urban Farm! After lunch, the group ensued in a two hour block of freedom, which included: yoga, pool fun, soccer, basketball, and siestas! Que bueno!

Afterwards, our Costa Rican friends led us in some mind games, creating fun, confusion, and tears. (Can I make a triangle out of this? How about this?) (Mary, Claire, and Rose figured it out!) We also had two of our Costa Rican friends from Cloud Forest School, (Ariel and Andrea), teach us about de and reforestation, one of the passions at their school! There school is a k-12 school in Monteverde, Costa Rica, a mountainous region in the northern part of the country.

After din-din, the group prepared for the one of the highlights of the GYLI-Year 3 program: THE HOMESTAY. Many’s worries were soothed, as students shared past home stay experiences in other countries, or the experiences of hosting students in their own homes.

Gracias a la vida!

Claire, Neil, Mary, Ann Marie, Maddie, Marciel, Evan, Rose, Mike–West Watch