2015 Dominican Republic Educator Program

2015 Dominican Republic Educator Program

October 15, 2014 Uncategorized 0

Are you a professional educator looking to have a fun and meaningful experience in another country while enriching and advancing your career this spring break?

Join other educators for a formative professional development experience in the areas of:

  • Broadfield History and Social Studies
  • The history and impact of Slavery
  • Cultural Studies
  • Latin American studies

In the past we have had teachers from many schools: public, private, independent, charter, boarding, k-8, single-sex, etc. Once great way to achieve your own public purpose is to be in relationship with teachers from public schools from throughout the US.

Program Highlights
1. Direct hands-on learning at slave plantation sites 
2. Visit and hands on activities at Women’s cooperative in Jaraboaca
3. Cultural experiences including food, dance, hiking, and outdoor activities 
4. Cross-cultural engagement with Dominican and Haitian students, professors, and citizens 

Testimonials from Past participants: 

**Marlene Blocker, Principal, 2013 DR Program Participant**
Rochester Early College International HS
Rochester City School District, NY

What would you say to a teacher thinking of going on the GYLI DR Educators program?

This trip will be an opportunity of a lifetime! It will be well organized, interesting and most importantly motivating as you return to your scholars.

How did the program compare with other professional development you have done?

This program made history come alive for me and made book knowledge shared in the past jump off the pages and greet me in person.  By far the best PD I have ever attended!

What still resonates for you many months after this program?

I am still in awe that I had the opportunity to experience the Jarabacoa Women’s Cooperative [Sonido Del Yaque].  I was so proud to witness the pride and diligence these women put forth to establish a means of living for themselves and their families.  Sitting in their community at the campfire and listening intently to their stories left an indelible memory.  My appreciation for so many elements of life that are taken for granted was truly deepened by this remarkable experience.


For more information CLICK HERE

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Continuing education credits available for teachers upon request


Email – Matt Nink at [email protected]