Accounting Manager/Program Coordinator

Accounting Manager/Program Coordinator

April 3, 2018 Uncategorized 0

Aloyce Gonzaga Lekuton earned his Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Engineering from EARTH University in Costa Rica. In his previous work experience, he worked as a program Intern/Project assistant for Orchard Africa in South Africa, World Vision Kenya as a volunteer in Child Sponsorship Program, Jamii Bora Bank Kenya as Loan Officer/Acting branch manager and Kenya Revenue Authority as Tax specialist officer. He is fluent in Spanish, English, Swahili, Maasai, and Samburu. He has traveled in Russia, South Africa, and Central America, and spoken and facilitated for many GYLI groups in Costa Rica since 2011.

Mr. Lekuton’s role is to design one or multi-day programs to build leadership and communication skills, hire and evaluate effective facilitators for leadership programs, set and maintain budgets and prepare financial reports for non-profit educational programs, develop and evaluate policies that lead to programs that are safe, fun, and set clear expectations for schools, parents, and other clients local, national and internationally with the ultimate goal of creating more partnerships for the Stuart Center and GYLI in the US and in East Africa.

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