Category: Year 3 2017

Costa Rica Day 9

Yesterday the group had to say goodbye to their individual host families. They came back together for a long yet exciting day. The kids got a break from the more serious talks about the pillars of GYLI and had some fun white water rafting! After the day of rafting, you would think the kids were…
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July 19, 2017 0

Days 5-8 Homestay

Since 2005 GYLI has partnered with EARTH University and the La Argentina Community near EARTH to provide a 4 day homestay experience.  This is always one of the students’ and adults’ highlight of the Costa Rica experience. To be welcomed into someone’s home and to learn from them over a few days is a very…
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July 17, 2017 0

Costa Rica Day 2-4

Our Costa Rica group is enjoying their stay thus far while also learning a lot about environmental sustainability and the Costa Rican culture. Day 3, their first day at EARTH University began with a tour of their large campus and some intro to the community. They also began to work on their knowledge of multicultural…
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July 14, 2017 0

Day 1 in Costa Rica!

Hola a todos! The group is together at United World College in San Jose and they are leading off the trip not just with some ice breakers and games to get to know the group, but also some stretching. They are very excited to begin an amazing journey in such a beautiful place. Here are…
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July 11, 2017 0

Year 3 2017 Blog: Welcome Post

We are very excited to start our year 3 program in Costa Rica this month, July 10-20! Keep watching this page for daily blog updates from the students and teachers. Below is a sneak peek of what the group will enjoy on their journey! Day 1 – Arrive at San Jose, Costa Rica, bus to…
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July 6, 2017 0