
Year 3 – Day 3!

Hello! We started our day off with breakfast at UWC, and left soon after for Earth University. We endured a 3 hour bus ride through traffic, driving up the beautiful, twisting mountain roads. We arrived at Earth University, and dropped our bags off in our rooms, and were guided around the campus by a current…
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July 24, 2019 0

Year 3 Costa Rica Day 2!

Today we began by introducing the new members of the group that arrived late last night. We played ice breaker games as well as learned essential cultural communication skills to prepare us for homestays. We began planning our group led projects that are centered around the pillars at GYLI (multicultural identity, religious pluralism, collaborative leadership,…
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July 23, 2019 0

Year 3 2019 Day 1!

Having spent most of the day in airports, planes, and buses, we expected the GYLI participants and chaperones arriving to be pretty well exhausted. And they were. Nevertheless, everyone was eager to get reacquainted with friends and dive right into the Year 3 experience.  Those that arrived in the afternoon got a brief view of…
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July 23, 2019 0

Year 3 2019 Welcome Post!

We are very excited to start our Year 3 program in Costa Rica this month, July 22nd – August 1st. Keep watching this page for daily blog updates from the students and teachers. Below is a sneak peek of what the group will enjoy on their journey! Day 1 – Arrive at San Jose, Costa Rica,…
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July 10, 2019 0

2018 Year 3 Recap

In our two Year 3 programs in Costa Rica, we offer students and teachers a deep dive into environmental sustainability, meeting others from different backgrounds, and seeing themselves as change agents.   The highlight of the Year 3 continues to be the home-stay experience. The authentic lens into community and culture affords great insight for our youth.…
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September 19, 2018 0

2018 Year 2 Recap

We offered 2 Year 2 programs at the Lama Foundation in Northern New Mexico.  Here our goal is to deepen the conversation, and further challenge students and teachers to reflect, to live differently, and to be intentional in their relationships with self, others, and the earth. According to our teachers and students, highlights from the…
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September 19, 2018 0

2018 Year 1 Recap

GYLI offered four Year 1 programs this summer:  2 in Connecticut, 1 in Los Angeles and 1 launching from Kenosha, WI.  Sailing aboard the Mystic Whaler, Exy Johnson and Red Witch – students and adults raised sail learning about themselves and others. Highlights of the these programs were again the great work of Kojo Bey…
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September 19, 2018 0

Accounting Manager/Program Coordinator

Aloyce Gonzaga Lekuton (known as Mr. L) joined LFA as a full-time Accounting Manager and Program Coordinator in the Stuart Center for Global Leadership in November of 2016. Aloyce earned his BS in Agricultural Engineering from EARTH University in Costa Rica. He has worked for an agricultural NGO in South Africa as Program Assistant, the…
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May 15, 2018 0

Accounting Manager / Program Coordinator

Aloyce Gonzaga Lekuton (known as Mr. L) joined LFA as a full-time Accounting Manager and Program Coordinator in the Stuart Center for Global Leadership in November of 2016. Aloyce earned his BS in Agricultural Engineering from EARTH University in Costa Rica. He has worked for an agricultural NGO in South Africa as Program Assistant, the…
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April 17, 2018 0

Accounting Manager/Program Coordinator

Aloyce Gonzaga Lekuton earned his Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Engineering from EARTH University in Costa Rica. In his previous work experience, he worked as a program Intern/Project assistant for Orchard Africa in South Africa, World Vision Kenya as a volunteer in Child Sponsorship Program, Jamii Bora Bank Kenya as Loan Officer/Acting branch manager and…
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April 3, 2018 0